Digital Queers is a conference that will take place at The New School, June 25, 26 and 27, 2015, and will coincide with the Gay Pride in New York. During the month of June is also expected a sentence of the American Supreme Court on Equality and this event will be another opportunity to discuss issues and problems regarding equality and social justice with both global and local perspectives. Digital Queers will focus on issues related to social justice for the gay community at large. The evolution of society has led to an increased acceptance of the LGBTQA world – in part due to more open and vociferous stances of the multiple communities of gender minorities and in part to the role that contemporary digital media have played in reshaping communication and advocacy. Unfortunately we are far from achieving that social justice necessary to avoid discrimination in the work place or to avoid persecutions of individuals and communities across the world. What are then the new practices that should be pursued in order to achieve and ensure social justice for all?

The call for abstract is available at this link .

The conference website can be found here .

The conference will analyze the following themes, but will be open to a wide range of proposals in the field that tackle the issues from a variety of perspectives.

Equality, now!
Social Justice for Gender Minorities
Digital Guerrilla for Social Justice?
Digital Media and Gender Stories
Exporting Gender Equality?
Social Justice in the Workplace
Gender Communities and Strife
Practical Steps for Social Justice
Multiple Definitions of Gender
Digital Queers’ Revolution
The aim of the conference is to bring together social justice advocates, contemporary theoreticians, gender hacktivists, scholars, anthropologists, visual culture experts, curators and ‘LGBTQA revolutionaries.’ The conference speakers will present papers that respond to the themes of social justice and the role of digital media in reshaping the public image of the queer community. In particular the conference is looking at recording and developing new practices for social justice and public engagement that face up to the still looming problems of discrimination that the gay community at large faces nationally and internationally.

Chairs: Lanfranco Aceti and Sven Travis

300 to 500 words abstract submissions. Please send your submissions to:

Email Subject Header: Digital Queers 2015.

Deadline: March 31, 2015.

The conference is free of charge.

The best conference papers will be selected for a special volume with the Leonardo Electronic Almanac.

For registration, information and updates please subscribe to the newsletter.

This conference is part of a series of events on gender and social justice organized and chaired by Lanfranco Aceti as part of the OCR research projects.

We acknowledge the kind support of The New School and the Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London.