
About Me

About Me2024-06-24T08:16:57+00:00


Lanfranco Aceti is an artist, curator, and academic who produces installations, projects in public space, performances, and exhibitions on issues such as social justice, postdemocracy, migration, the climate crisis, forms of resistance, and matriarchal social hypotheses.

Currently, Aceti is an artist in residency with the Museo delle Periferie and the MAAM Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove di. Metropoliz_città meticcia in Rome with a trilogy titled The Crocodile’s Home, The Crocodile’s Lament, and A River of Crocodile’s Tears. The project is a large undertaking with performances and installations on the river Tiber in Rome.

In 2023 he exhibited Whispers of Amnesia – a solo exhibition in Taranto as part of the XVIII Venice Architecture Biennale in collaboration with UNESCO, the municipality of Taranto, and CRAC Puglia.

In 2021 he developed a ten installments large international project, Preferring Sinking to Surrender, realized for the XVII Venice Architecture Biennale, which included performances, paintings, photographs, prints, drawings, sculptures, videos, and installations.

As an artist Aceti has exhibited numerous personal projects including the public performance Car Park part of Internet of Cars curated by SCAN and the John Hansard Gallery; Who The People?, an installation artwork acquired in its entirety by the Chetham’s Library and Museum in Manchester; Sowing and Reaping, installation artworks acquired in their entirety by the National Museum of Contemporary Art of Cyprus; Hope Coming On, a site-specific choral performance he designed for the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and realized in front of Turner’s Slave Ship (Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On); Shimmer, a series of sculptural, photographic, and painting works curated by Irini Papadimitriou (V&A) at the Tobazi Mansion in Hydra; a large choral performance titled Accursed for the Thessaloniki Biennial in Greece; and Knock, Knock, Knocking a public space installation in the Mediterranean Garden Pavilion of the New Sea Waterfront of Thessaloniki.

Lanfranco Aceti’s curatorial practice is hosted at the Museum of Contemporary Cuts (MoCC).

Lanfranco Aceti’s writings and publication are at Observations, Creations, and Reflections (OCR).



Reduced: Uninfluential, Disintegrated, and Bent is a new exhibition and sculptural installation by Lanfranco Aceti. With a series of writings


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